Contact Us

St. George Medical Clinic is interested in learning about our patient’s comments/concerns on the care they receive. We constantly strive to deliver the best quality healthcare. You can assist us in sustaining that long-achieved goal.

If you have a general question, please complete the online contact form. Keep in mind that we cannot address a medical emergency through this form or give medical opinion without a clinical consultation.

To book an appointment, please call.

24 Hour On-Call Access: 304.478.3339

St. George Medical Clinic
Phone: 304.478.3339
Fax: 304.478.3311
8591 Holly Meadows Road
Parsons, WV 26287

School Based Health Clinic
Phone: 304.478.6000
Fax: 304.478.6007
138 Crestview Drive
Hambleton, WV 26269

School Based Dental Clinic
Phone: 304.478.6000
Fax: 304.478.1015
65 Crestview Drive
Hambleton, WV 26269

St. George Clinic Pharmacy
Phone: 304.478.3355
221 Pennsylvania Avenue
Parsons, WV 26287

St. George Canaan Valley Clinic
Phone: 681.435.0011
6368 Appalachian Hwy
Davis, WV 26260
Medical Clinic:
9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday-Friday
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday

St. George Canaan Valley Pharmacy
Phone: 681.435.0011
6368 Appalachian Hwy
Davis, WV 26260
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday

General Contact Form*

    *This contact form is for general information only. Do not send personal health information.

    Our Main Clinic

    8591 Holly Meadows Road
    Parsons, WV 26287

    Phone: 304-478-3339
    Fax: 304-478-3311

    Patient Portal

    Manage your medical information online. Click here