
St. 澳门赌场电玩平台主页 (SGMC) and its employees collect data through a variety of means including but not necessarily limited to letters, 电话, 电子邮件, 语音信箱, and from the submission of applications that is either required by law, or necessary to process applications or other requests for assistance through our organization. We are required to maintain the privacy and security of your protected health information. We are obligated to notify you promptly if a breach occurs that may have compromised your information. SGMC may change the terms of this notice, to comply with state and federal privacy and security laws. 更改将以书面形式和在我们的网站上公布.

Information about your financial situation and medical conditions and care that you provide to us in writing, 通过电子邮件, 在电话中(包括留言信息), 应用程序中包含的或附在应用程序上的, 或者直接或间接地给予我们, 是绝对保密的吗. 我们不会放弃, 交换, 出售, or disseminate any information about applicants or patients who apply for or actually receive our services considered confidential, 受法律限制, or have been specifically restricted by a patient in a signed HIPAA consent form for the purposes of marketing or fundraising.

Information is only used as is reasonably necessary to process your application or to provide you with health or counseling services which may require communication between SGMC and health care providers, 器官捐赠机构, 验尸官, 法医, 殡仪馆馆长, 医疗产品或澳门赌场电玩平台主页提供商, 药店, 保险公司, 工人的补偿, 执法, and other providers necessary to: verify your medical information is accurate; determine the type of medical supplies or any health care services you need including, but not limited to; or to obtain or purchase any type of medical supplies, 设备, 药物, 和保险. If you apply or attempt to apply to receive assistance through us and provide information with the intent or purpose of fraud or that results in either an actual crime of fraud for any reason including willful or un-willful acts of negligence whether intended or not, 或以任何方式显示或暗示欺诈企图, your non-medical information can be given to legal authorities including police, 调查人员, 法院, 和/或律师或其他法律专业人士, 以及法律允许的任何其他信息. 你有权要求一份日期清单, times and individuals that viewed your record for 6 months prior to the date of asking. Information may be shared to help with public health and safety issues such as preventing disease, 协助产品召回, 报告药物的不良反应, 举报涉嫌虐待, 忽视或暴力, 防止对任何人的健康和安全造成严重威胁.

We do not use cookies on our website to collect date from our site visitors. We do offer links to some affiliate programs/sites that may or may not capture traffic data, 我们不能为此负责. To avoid potential data capture, do not click on any of the outside affiliate links.

我们可能会使用或披露, 根据需要, your protected health information in order to support the business activities of this practice. 这些可能包括质量护理评估, 利用审核, 医学生的培养, 认证, 审计, 法律澳门赌场电玩平台主页, 或进行正常的经营活动, 包括以下内容:

  1. 打电话提醒你有个约会
  2. Calling you by name in the waiting room when the provider is ready to see you
  3. 通过邮件与您联系有关预约和/或账单
  4. Providing you with treatment alternatives or health related benefits that may interest you
  5. Complying with a subpoena for the records or if we need to disclose the records for the reason of protecting public health, 如果有虐待儿童的嫌疑, 忽视, 或者家庭暴力. 在法律要求的情况下,可能会进行披露,以供部门使用. of Health and Human 澳门赌场电玩平台主页, in compliance with the federal HIPAA Privacy Rule.

如果你同意的话, we may from time to time disclose your protected health information to designated family, 朋友, and others who are involved in your care or in payment of your care in order to facilitate that person’s involvement in caring for you or paying for your care. 如果你不在, 丧失民事行为能力, or facing an emergency medical situation and we determine that a limited disclosure may be in your best interest, we may share limited protected health information with such individuals without your approval. We may also disclose limited protected health information to a public or private entity that is authorized to assist in disaster relief efforts in order for that entity to locate a family member or other persons that may be involved in some aspect of caring for you. You have the right to request a copy of your protected health information electronically or by paper, 基于成本的费用. 你可以要求更改你的健康记录, but your provider maintains the right to refuse the request in writing within 60 days. You have the right to ask that information not be shared with your private insurance if the healthcare service is paid for out of pocket in full. We must follow the duties of this notice You have the right to request a copy of this Notice of 隐私惯例 at any time, 并在网上以电子方式观看. You can file a complaint if you feel SGMC has violated your rights by contacting the U.S. 部门. of Health and Human 澳门赌场电玩平台主页 Office of Civil Rights, 200 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington, DC 20201, or by calling 1-877-696-6775, or visit www.美国卫生和公众澳门赌场电玩平台主页部.gov / ocr / / hipaa /投诉/隐私. 我们不会因为你的投诉而报复你.

We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your protected health information and provide you with a copy of this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices. 如果你认为你的隐私权被侵犯了, you may file a complaint with us or with the Secretary of Health and Human 澳门赌场电玩平台主页. 你可能不会因为投诉而遭到报复.

Dani Lambruno•首席合规官

该保健中心是根据美国42.S.C. 第254b条规定的公共卫生澳门赌场电玩平台主页雇主.S.C. 233(g)-(n).


ST. 澳门赌场电玩平台主页
帕森斯,WV 26287



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